Min favoritbok.
Idag läser jag. Massor läser jag. Har väl klarat mig igenom hälften ungefär. Kom osökt att tänka på vad som nog måste klassas som min favoritbok. Michael Cunningham's The Hours. Jag hade inte så mycket mer på hjärtat, utan tänkte låta författaren tala. Läs om du orkar. Jag tycker det här är fint. Så fint. Precis som hela boken. Jag måste nog läsa den igen snart.
"We live our lives, do whatever we do, and then we sleep - it's as simple and ordinary as that. A few jump out of windows or drown themselves or take pills; more die by accident; and most of us, the vast majority, are slowly devoured by some disease or, if we're very fortunate, by time itself. There's just this for consolation: an hour here or there when our lives seem, against all odds and expectations, to burst open and give us everything we've ever imagined, though everyone but children (and perhaps even they) knows these hours will inevitably be followed by others, far darker and more difficult. Still, we cherish the city, the morning; we hope, more than anything, for more.
Heaven only knows why we love it so."
- Cunningham 1998:225-226
"We live our lives, do whatever we do, and then we sleep - it's as simple and ordinary as that. A few jump out of windows or drown themselves or take pills; more die by accident; and most of us, the vast majority, are slowly devoured by some disease or, if we're very fortunate, by time itself. There's just this for consolation: an hour here or there when our lives seem, against all odds and expectations, to burst open and give us everything we've ever imagined, though everyone but children (and perhaps even they) knows these hours will inevitably be followed by others, far darker and more difficult. Still, we cherish the city, the morning; we hope, more than anything, for more.
Heaven only knows why we love it so."
- Cunningham 1998:225-226